College Advising

College Advising

Weekly individual meetings are held with senior students to monitor them through the college admissions and financial aid processes.

Students visit numerous colleges and universities throughout the year, and are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in the annual CRLS College Fair, as well as college fairs hosted by other local agencies such as that offered by the New England Educational Opportunity Association (NEOA) at their annual TRIO Day Celebration. Participants are able to communicate with representatives from these postsecondary education institutions and develop working relationships with them in advance of their senior/application year.  Additionally, representatives from several institutions visit the program office to make in-house presentations as necessary.

Representatives from the Posse Foundation visit the program to discuss this scholarship opportunity and the application processes. Additionally, Financial Aid Night is usually held in January to assist parents of seniors with the financial aid application process. A representative from the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) facilitates the workshop.